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Wilson Sleek 4G-V coming very soon!

The Sleek 4G-V is a brand new tri-band amplifier from Wilson Electronics designed for mobile use on all 2G/3G (minus Nextel) networks, as well as Verizon’s super-fast 4G LTE network. The new revolutionary device helps you stay connected by providing a strong reliable signal in weak-signal areas, reducing dropped calls and boosting data speeds. It boosts both voice and data communications on the 800/1900 and 700 MHz bands – making it perfect for phones and wireless WiFi hotspots like the Verizon JetPack.

Featuring a dB gain of 20, it makes the Wilson Sleek 4G-V one of the most powerful mobile kits to date. Being one of the very first tri-band amplifiers, the Sleek 4G-V is perfect for consumers who are in areas of both weak 3G and 4G coverage. Wilson cellular amplifiers feature cell tower protection technologies refined over more than a decade of research and development.

* Sleek 4G-V expected shipping date: Monday June 11th, 2012


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