Apple has introduced the long awaited tablet, calling it the iPad! The iPad has Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity built-in, comes with 16, 32 or 64 gigabytes of memory, has a 9.7 inch multi-touch screen yet only weighs in at 1.5 pounds. The company claims the device has a battery that can last 10 hours and can sit for a month on standby before needing a charge.
Some of the features include:
Apple will sell a version with 3G data plans and without a long term contract. For those who experience a weak signal on the AT&T service we have a range of repeaters that will greatly improve your 3G data service. We recommend a dual band repeater so you can also have improved reception on your cell phone including the iPhone.
You can find a list of dual band repeaters on the following Waveform page:
Which one you need depends on the area you need to cover. Here is a list of the most popular kits we have, broken down by coverage area:
Mid-Range (up to 2,500 sq ft.)
zBoost YX510: /products/repeaterkits/wi-ex/zboost-dual-band.html
Wilson SOHO 801245: /products/repeaterkits/wilson/soho.html
Large Range (5,000 to 10,000 sq ft.):
Wilson SOHO “Premium” and “Ultimate” configurations. This is the same amplifier as before, but in more powerful kit combinations. Scroll down the Wilson SOHO page: /products/repeaterkits/wilson/soho.html
Very Large Range (greater than 10,000 sq ft.):
Wilson Ultimate Repeater Kit: /products/repeaterkits/wilson/wilson-dual-band-ultimate.html