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Verizon, AT&T, Sprint and T-Mobile Quietly Pre-Approve Use of 62 Signal Booster Models

In January 2015, the FCC wrote to the four major US carriers asking them to "publicly indicate their status regarding consent for each Consumer Signal Booster" that has passed the FCC's new certification process. 62 amplifier systems in total were listed as approved, and carriers were asked to review whether those boosters are safe for use on their networks.

In early March, all four carriers responded to the FCC's request, and those letters have now been posted to the FCC's website. The carriers gave blanket consent for the use of each of the boosters approved by the FCC.

What this means for consumers

For consumers, carrier consent means that you're free and clear to purchase and use any of FCC approved booster and use it with all four major US cell carriers, without needing to request carrier consent for that particular model.

The Signal Booster ruling made by the FCC in 2013 requires that consumers register their devices with their wireless carrier, and get consent for the particular model they are using. With carriers consenting to the use of every booster certified under the new rules, consumers now only need to register their devices, and no longer need to seek approval.

A side-note on the registration process: even though boosters amplify signal for every carrier, approval and registration is only required with the specific carriers that the booster is used with. The reason for this is that carriers are typically only concerned about booster amplification of uplink signals—downlink signals are generally very weak (typically around -90dBm pre-amplification), whereas uplink signals (i.e. those sent from a user's device to the tower) are typically much stronger (up to -40dBm pre-amplification). Prior to the FCC's new rules, excessive uplink amplification occasionally caused noise issues on the tower side. Newer models are more closely regulated, and include auto-shutoff and gain control mechanisms to prevent excessive uplink amplification.

Will carriers begin selling boosters?

They already have. T-Mobile began selling Cel-Fi signal boosters before the new FCC order even went into place. But it remains to be seen whether more carriers will offer boosters directly to consumers.

Since boosters typically amplify signals for every carrier, carriers typically shy away from them—they don't want to distribute devices that can easily be used to boost signals on other carrier's networks as well as their own.

Carrier registration

Now that these devices are pre-approved, the only step required by the FCC after purchasing is to register with carriers. Each carrier has their own site where they allow registration through a simple web form, for example, here are Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile and AT&T's.

A complete list of pre-approved devices

At Waveform, we stock 53 of the 62 pre-approved signal booster devices. Here's a complete list, including those that we don't carry:

Manufacturer FCC ID Model No. Model Name
SureCall RSNDUALFORCE Dual Force DualForce
SureCall RSNFLEX2GO CM-Flex2Go Flex2Go Signal Booster
SureCall RSNFLEXPRO FlexPro Flex Pro Signal Booster
SureCall RSNFORCE-5 Force-5 Force-5 Band In- Building Signal Booster
SureCall RSNFORCE-550 Force-550 Force-550 5 Band Linear Signal Booster
SureCall RSNFUSION-5 Fusion-5 Fusion-5 Band in Building Signal Booster
SureCall RSNM2M CM-M2M Signal Booster
SureCall RSNM2M-A M2M-A Signal Booster
SureCall RSNM2M-V M2M-V Signal Booster
SureCall RSNMOBILE-30 Mobile30 Mobile30 Vehicle Signal Booster
SureCall RSNTRIFLEX- 2GO-A TriFlex-2Go-A Tri-Band Mobile Signal Booster
SureCall RSNTRIFLEX- 2GO-T TriFlex-2Go-T Tri-Band Mobile Signal Booster
SureCall RSNTRIFLEX- 2GO-V TriFlex-2Go-V Tri-Band Mobile Signal Booster
SureCall RSNTRIFLEX-A TriFlex A Tri-Band Mobile Signal Booster
SureCall RSNTRIFLEX-T TriFlex T Tri-Band Mobile Signal Booster
SureCall RSNTRIFLEX-V TriFlex V Tri-Band Mobile Signal Booster
SmoothTalker S4RBRB81975 BRB81975 Smoothtalker Stealth X2
SmoothTalker S4RBRBUZ81975 BRUZ81975 Smoothtalker Stealth Z1
SmoothTalker S4RBRM22050 BRM22050 Smoothtalker Mobile X1
SmoothTalker S4RBST22023 BST22023 Smoothtalker Mobile CX1
SmoothTalker S4RBST22030 BST220-23 Smoothtalker Mobile CX1
weBoost PWO460001 460001 Cellular Signal Booster DT4G
weBoost PWO460001 460001 Cellular Signal Booster DT4G
weBoost PWO460002 460002 Signal Booster Mobile 3G
weBoost PWO460003 460003 Signal Booster DB Pro 4G
weBoost PWO460004 460004 Signal Booster AG Pro Quint
weBoost PWO460005 460005 Signal Booster DB Pro
weBoost PWO460006 460006 Sleek Dual-Band Smartech III Signal Booster
weBoost PWO460006 460006 Sleek Dual-Band Smartech III Signal Booster
weBoost PWO460007 460007 Sleek 4G Signal Booster
weBoost PWO460007 460007 Sleek 4G Signal Booster
weBoost PWO460008 460008 Mobile 4G Smart Technology III Signal Booster
weBoost PWO460009 460009 Data Pro Smartech III Signal Booster
weBoost PWO460011 460011 Mobile Maxx 3G Signal Booster
weBoost PWO460013 460013 Mobile Pro Signal Booster
weBoost PWO460019 460019 Signal 4G SmarTech Signal Booster
weBoost PWO460020 460020 DT 4G Cellular Signal Booster
weBoost PWO460021 460021 Mobile 4G Cellular Signal Booster
weBoost PWO460022 460022 Drive 4G-S Cellular Signal Booster
Nextivity YETCELFI- RS224CUA CELFI-RS224CU CEL-FI Coverage Unit
Nextivity YETCELFI- RS224WUA CELFI-RS224WU CEL-FI Window Unit
Nextivity YETCELFI- RS225CUA CELFI-RS225CU CEL-FI Coverage Unit
Nextivity YETCELFI- RS225WUA CELFI-RS225WU CEL-FI Window Unit
Nextivity YETD24CU CELFI-D32-2/4CU CEL-FI Coverage Unit
Nextivity YETD24NU CELFI-D32-2/4NU CEL-FI Window Unit
Nextivity YETP24512CU CEL-FI P34- 2/4/5/12CU CEL-FI Pro Coverage Unit
Nextivity YETP24512NU CEL-FI P34- 2/4/5/12NU CEL-FI Pro Network Unit
zBoost SO4ZB570-PCS- CEL ZB570-PCS-CEL zBoost Cellular Reach
zBoost SO4ZB570-TRI- ALTE ZB570-TRI-ALTE zBoost Trio Xtreme Reach
zBoost SO4ZB570-TRI- ALTE ZB570-TRI-ALTE zBoost Trio Xtreme Reach
zBoost SO4ZB570-TRI- B12 ZB570-TRI-B12 zBoost Trio Connect
zBoost SO4ZB570-TRI- VLTE ZB570-TRI-VLTE zBoost Trio Workspace
Clear RF, LLC XS7WRE2710 WRE2710 Dual Band Cellular
OPISYS Q4EAVHR-5000N AVHR-5000N In Vehicle Dual Band Booster
OPISYS Q4EUSHR-700L USHR-700L In-Building Dual Band Repeater
Shenzhen Huaptec OWWC27G-CP F10G-CP Signal Booster
Shenzhen Huaptec OWWC27G- CPAL-AB-C F10G-CP Signal Booster
Shenzhen Huaptec OWWF10G-CP F10G-CP Signal Booster
Shenzhen Huaptec OWWF10G- CPAL-AB-C F15G-CP Signal Booster
Shenzhen Huaptec OWWF15G-CP F15G-CP Signal Booster
Shenzhen Huaptec OWWF20E-CP F20E-CP Signal Booster

Copies of carrier letters





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