Recently we’ve had a lot of requests for customers looking to extend their WiFi networks. WiFi uses a different set of frequencies to cell phones, so we have sourced special repeaters compatible with WiFi networks. WiFi Repeaters You can find our WiFi Repeater Store here. Together with a What Is A WiFi Repeater page, which [...]
The new Wilson 801262 DB PRO is a fantastic multi-purpose dual band amplifier that was recently released by Wilson. The amplifier is 75 ohm, and so requires 75 ohm antennas. Wilson have released 75 ohm versions of old favorites, to provide a range of choice when customizing your 801262. Here is a round-up of the [...]
Big news from our friends over at They have developed a new dual band kit, a high powered version of the SignalBoost DT. At 60-65dB, this is by far the most powerful Wilson dual band amplifier to date, and with internal/external antennas it can give up to 5,000 sq ft of wireless coverage. The [...]
Just an update to keep you informed of some of the latest products we are stocking from Wilson Electronics. Wilson have recently released some new antennas and cradles, which we have included below. We have also added some more kits of Wilson Amplifiers to suit a variety of different needs. Wilson 301146 – Cell Phone [...]
Wilson have just released three new in-car Wilson kits: two based on the wireless Wilson 801201 Amplifiers, and one based on the direct connect Wilson SignalBoost 801201. Take advantage of their new low pricing and our free shipping offer for a great deal. Wilson SignalBoost 801214 Direct Connect Kit with Cradle The new Wilson SignalBoost [...]
New EVDO and HSDPA services available from Verizon Wireless, Sprint Nextel, Alltel and Cingular Wireless have made broadband mobile services a reality. But as many users are finding out, the speed of the data connection depends strongly on the signal quality. Data services are considerably more sensitive to errors in transmitting and receiving signals than [...]
We have just added two new premium versions of our single-band Wi-Ex YX500 products. These premium kits include the same amplifier and cables as the standard kits, but add upgraded external antennas. These upgraded kits are recommended for low signal situations (i.e. 3 bars or less outside), but can also be used to extender the [...]